Spring 2012

CSC 470B - Topics in Computer Science
Topic:  Bio Metric Authentication

This course covers the theories and practice behind the use of biometrics as a means of identification and verification. Students will be exposed to a wide array of biometric markers, and their advantages and disadvantages for use in a biometric authentication system. System errors inherent with biometrics will be covered, and the potential security vulnerabilities of biometric systems will be discussed. There will also be discussions of the ethics and social issues involved with using biometrics for authentication.

CSC 570D - Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
Topic:  Information Security Policies

The course includes a discussion on security policies that can be used to help protect and maintain a network, such as password policy, e-mail policy and Internet policy. The issues include organizational behavior and crisis management. The course will also include a discussion of regulatory compliance as it relates to Information Security Policies.

Parting Words (Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Scott G. Kuntzelman)